Our line officers worked diligently through their preparation for the conferral of the Entered Apprentice degree on February 17th. I want to give particular thanks to our Junior Warden, Bro. Michael Hickey, who showed his willingness to go the extra mile in preparing himself for his initial opportunity to sit in the East (well done, Michael.)
Bro. Joe Ellis of Grant Park Lodge presented his “Green Dragon” or “Boston Tea Party” Lecture at our February 3rd communication. Upcoming speakers for our March meetings are WB Wayne Glass giving his lecture on the Masonic Stations and W.B. Gary Leazer, PhD. Discussing the Biblical Origins in F & AM. Please make every effort to be in attendance for their presentations on March 3rd and 17th respectively.
As mentioned in our prior edition, the cost to the Lodge for publishing and mailing the Fellowcraft newsletter is $2,500 annually. I would again ask that you contact the Fellow Craft committee at to receive future publications via E-mail. Doing so is a service to our Lodge.
The Fulton Fellow Craft newsletter is now presented by a committee consisting of your Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Junior Deacon, Senior Steward and Junior Steward. WB Ross Laver and WB Randy Hazan also lend their support and guidance. I would again ask you to thank WB Laver for his service to Fulton Lodge over the past years in seeing that the Fellow Craft was published in a timely and professional manner.
We will soon begin preparing for the Fellowcraft degree to be conferred on April 21st. Any brother who has an interest in presenting a lecture, charge or in conducting a candidate please contact Bro. Randy Hazan at your earliest convenience.
Please put April 10th on your calendar with this reading. Fulton Lodge will be meeting at the Masonic Home in Macon, Georgia on this date for the dedication of the pavilion raised in memoriam of our dear departed WB Sheldon Little. This is a 5th District Masonic Workday. Brethren, those able, please arrive at 8am to contribute a few hours for the benefit of our Children’s Home. The dedication will follow our workday at 11:30am. Grand Master Leonard Buffington and his officers will be in attendance. MWB Al Garner will be presiding as Grand Orator at the ceremony.
Lastly, please consider Grand Master Buffington’s call to action in this edition of the Fellow Craft for the Lightyear fundraising program. Service is available nationwide to the friends, family and Freemasons of Georgia. Please remember that this cellular service is offered on the Verizon and/or Sprint networks, with billing and customer service from Lightyear. A portion of your monthly bill will be donated to the Georgia Masonic Charities Foundation Inc. in support of our GACHIP program and the Masonic Home of Georgia.
Thank you again for all that you do. I look forward to seeing you in Lodge.
Dean G. Watts, Worshipful Master
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