From the East
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Lodge as a whole for their participation in the 105th annual convention of the 5th Masonic District. In particular, I would especially like to thank the line officers for their well performed opening. And, their commitment to food service after the meeting. We have participated in many conventions, but this one was special, in that the outgoing Master who is very
outgoing was none other than our own Frank Vexler.
Furthermore, I would also like to thank our director of work WB Randy Hazan. Without his tireless effort and guidance, such a performance would not have occurred. My brethren, Randy has
put an enormous amount of work with our new candidates (5 in total and 4 who still have coaching left to do). If you can help him (and the lodge) by doing some coaching, it would be greatly appreciated. I would also like to encourage any brother who has not been to lodge in some time to come and check us out. We miss your input, energy, and zeal for the craft.
Adam Brodofsky
Worshipful Master 2009
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