Monday, June 1, 2009

Fulton Fellowcraft June, July & August 2009

From the East

I would like to start by thanking our entire lodge officer line for the outstanding degree work they have performed. Special thanks to WB Randy Hazan and WB Ross Laver. We have all worked very hard and can be pleased with our work to date. But, there is much work to do. We cannot fail our candidates by allowing them to fail. If you can coach, please do. I can think of no better way to get to know the wonderful men joining our lodge.
I want you, my brethren, to know that inspiration lies within us all and, that to a great extent I am inspired by you. Someday I hope to return the favor. I once again ask you to be active in your lodge and know that we extend our hand in fellowship to any brother who can find the time to spend with us. You don’t have to be a Masonic scholar to sit and fellowship. Share your time with us to ignite new friendships and rekindle old ones. Jeff Krieger, our Junior Warden has created some wonderful meals and “Breaking Bread” with a brother is indeed a kind act.
I look forward to seeing those who attend and hope to see the rest very soon.

Adam Brodofsky
Worshipful Master 2009

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