From the East
My year as master is drawing to a close. It is at times like this I tend to take a look at how far we are traveling.
This year, as a lodge, the awesome work you have performed is now more obvious than ever. You have had 7 candidates (and 1 more being investigated as we speak). You have raised five men to the sublime degree of master mason.
You have built, with your money, a pavilion that will honor W.B. Sheldon Little. You have sponsored both work days at the home and shouldered the cost of the children for the GBI chip event. You have created a new web site to endurably preserve our history. You are leading the way forward.
In traveling to Grand Lodge, I met with many men and I am proud to say that we have the best Lodge in my opinion. We have laughed, and worked together, and some of us have danced together (not with each other, but you know what I mean). Anyway, there are not enough thanks for you all, but I know our future as a lodge is a bright one indeed.
Be involved, and get involved. Your contributions of time, effort, and wisdom make FULTON LODGE no. 216 a strong and wonderful place.
Adam Brodofsky
Worshipful Master 2009
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Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Fulton Fellowcraft October 2009 - Discussion: Appended Bodies?
From the East
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Lodge as a whole for their participation in the 105th annual convention of the 5th Masonic District. In particular, I would especially like to thank the line officers for their well performed opening. And, their commitment to food service after the meeting. We have participated in many conventions, but this one was special, in that the outgoing Master who is very
outgoing was none other than our own Frank Vexler.
Furthermore, I would also like to thank our director of work WB Randy Hazan. Without his tireless effort and guidance, such a performance would not have occurred. My brethren, Randy has
put an enormous amount of work with our new candidates (5 in total and 4 who still have coaching left to do). If you can help him (and the lodge) by doing some coaching, it would be greatly appreciated. I would also like to encourage any brother who has not been to lodge in some time to come and check us out. We miss your input, energy, and zeal for the craft.
Adam Brodofsky
Worshipful Master 2009
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I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Lodge as a whole for their participation in the 105th annual convention of the 5th Masonic District. In particular, I would especially like to thank the line officers for their well performed opening. And, their commitment to food service after the meeting. We have participated in many conventions, but this one was special, in that the outgoing Master who is very
outgoing was none other than our own Frank Vexler.
Furthermore, I would also like to thank our director of work WB Randy Hazan. Without his tireless effort and guidance, such a performance would not have occurred. My brethren, Randy has
put an enormous amount of work with our new candidates (5 in total and 4 who still have coaching left to do). If you can help him (and the lodge) by doing some coaching, it would be greatly appreciated. I would also like to encourage any brother who has not been to lodge in some time to come and check us out. We miss your input, energy, and zeal for the craft.
Adam Brodofsky
Worshipful Master 2009
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Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Fulton Fellowcraft September 2009 - Discussion: What is Leadership
From the East
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the hard work of our officers. We have done a tremendous amount of work and have successfully raised 5 men. I want you all to know that I am grateful for all your help. I would also like to most gratefully acknowledge the very charitable gift of $500 we received for the child welfare fund from Brother Bernard Blackwell a 50 year and 33rd degree mason. But my brethren, we still have much to do. Our newly obligated brethren need coaching. If you can help, please do.
We will be opening for the 5th Masonic District Convention on Saturday the 12th of September. As many of you know, our own WB Frank
Vexler is the Master of the 5th Masonic district. Please come and show your support for Frank. We are very, very, proud to have such a distinguished brother as part of our lodge. Also, this will be a great opportunity to relight those friendships from days gone by and ignite new ones.
We will be expanding our horizons with open speculation on leadership and training in lodge. If you have not attended lodge in some time, I encourage you to come and be part of the action. The new Fulton 216 is shining brightly and we want you to bask in its warmth. Speculate on the floor of the lodge and feel the sense of community that is so rare in this world. Some people live in neighborhoods and don’t even know their own neighbor, nor do they care to. But, in lodge, you not only know the man next to you, but you call him brother. Looking out for one another is what masons do best; it is what makes us stronger than just one man. I love you all and hope to see you soon.
Adam Brodofsky
Worshipful Master 2009
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Monday, June 1, 2009
Fulton Fellowcraft June, July & August 2009
From the East
I would like to start by thanking our entire lodge officer line for the outstanding degree work they have performed. Special thanks to WB Randy Hazan and WB Ross Laver. We have all worked very hard and can be pleased with our work to date. But, there is much work to do. We cannot fail our candidates by allowing them to fail. If you can coach, please do. I can think of no better way to get to know the wonderful men joining our lodge.
I want you, my brethren, to know that inspiration lies within us all and, that to a great extent I am inspired by you. Someday I hope to return the favor. I once again ask you to be active in your lodge and know that we extend our hand in fellowship to any brother who can find the time to spend with us. You don’t have to be a Masonic scholar to sit and fellowship. Share your time with us to ignite new friendships and rekindle old ones. Jeff Krieger, our Junior Warden has created some wonderful meals and “Breaking Bread” with a brother is indeed a kind act.
I look forward to seeing those who attend and hope to see the rest very soon.
Adam Brodofsky
Worshipful Master 2009
To View The Complete Fellowcraft Click Here
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Fulton Fellowcraft May 2009 - Fellowcraft Degree (Sheldon Little)
Sheldon Little
On April 7, 2009 a beloved Past Master of Fulton Lodge No. 216, F. &A.M. Sheldon Little passed away at his home in Woodstock. He was 75 years old and an active member of Fulton Lodge for almost 41 years.
Sheldon was born on September 23, 1933. He attended Georgia Tech graduating with a degree in Electrical Engineering. Sheldon was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in Fulton Lodge on May 1, 1968. He served as Master in 1975 but his election to the East started on a sad note as the beloved secretary of Fulton Lodge, Mendle Boorstin, P.M., who so many Masters had relied upon for 37 years, passed away two days after Sheldon was installed. Undeterred, Sheldon made it clear to his officers from the very beginning that he intended to have an exemplary year with the objective of winning the Grand Master’s Cup which Fulton Lodge had won three times since it inception twenty‐five years before. Sheldon put his officers and the brethren to labor in and outside of the Lodge room with a carefully considered plan that was executed with the precision and vigor for which Sheldon became know through the fraternity. Openings, closing, and all degree work were flawless. Lodge programs were excellent and entertaining. Sheldon re‐energized the Child Welfare Fund which reached out to the community by donating a portable EKG machine to the Henrietta Egelston Hospital for Children. The Fellowcraft was published quarterly with Sheldon having taken many of the pictures. The ladies night and the annual dinner dance were attended by 200 people or more. During his year as Master Sheldon updated and republished the book of Masonic lectures developed by Sidney Parks, P.M. in 1953 as an instructional guide to lodge officers and lecturers (updated again
by Sheldon in 1999 and now in its fifth printing). The goal set by Sheldon for 1975 was achieved when Grand Master Harris Bollock announced at the 1975 Grand Lodge sessions that Fulton Lodge had won the Grand Master’s Cup.
Sheldon could have rested on the laurels he had brought to Fulton Lodge in 1975 but he did not. Sheldon continued to work. As a lecturer he was sought out by other lodges to perform the Staircase lecture and as well as the Letter G which he regularly gave in Fulton Lodge. He presented the Staircase Lecture over 300 times. He served as Treasurer, Director of Work and an instructor for Fulton Lodge and was elected by his brethren to serve as Senior
Warden for a second time in 2006. Many of the brethren got their first introduction to Fulton Lodge and the Atlanta Masonic Center by attending the candidate orientation sessions conduct by Sheldon. He expanded upon the book of Masonic Lectures by developing and writing a detailed explanation of the floor work so important to all Masonic lodges.
Sheldon Little became active in the Fifth Masonic District eventually becoming Master and serving as Secretary for over twenty
years. He participated in Grand Lodge activities including serving on committees, bringing the Grand Lodge online with its first website, and serving as recording secretary at Grand Lodge sessions. Sheldon served as a member of the Grand Lodge General Welfare Committee at the time of his passing. In 1996 Sheldon was awarded the Grand Lodge Distinguish Service Medal.
Sheldon was also an active member of Scottish Rite. In addition to his participation in many degrees he held a number of Scottish Rite offices. He was the treasurer for the Scottish Rite for a number of years and a long time member of the executive committee. For many years Sheldon was an active member of the Traitor cast, playing the part of Benedict Arnold, as
well as serving as the assistant director. Sheldon took great pleasure in serving on the Scottish Rite Child Care Committee which approved funding for children in need at the Scottish Rite Hospital. Although members were only expected to attend committee meetings every few months, Sheldon attended the meetings at the hospital every month. Fulton Lodge honored Sheldon during its 150th anniversary celebration by making a donation in his honor to the Scottish Rite’s Preservation Trust. After his retirement from Zep Manufacturing Sheldon worked daily as a member of the staff in the Scottish Rite business office. He was honored by Scottish Rite with his white cap symbolic of a 33o Mason, an Inspector General Honorary. Sheldon recently completed the Scottish Rite Master Craftsman Course.
Although Sheldon attended lodge regularly he was not just a Mason on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Sheldon lived and breathed Freemasonry and Fulton Lodge in particular. Sheldon could not sit on the sidelines and watch as others performed the work he loved incorrectly or without the vigor he expected. His passion required that he correct or instruct his brethren when he failed to see the perfection he demanded of himself. He did so not because of ego or a desire to show what he knew but out of a love for Masonry and the desire that Fulton Lodge, and all lodges, perform the ritual exactly as it has been passed down and as intended. Sheldon worked tirelessly to do things the right way and had no patience for anything less.
Although Sheldon was presented with a life membership in Fulton Lodge after his year in the East, which relieved him of the obligation to pay dues, Sheldon paid an amount equal to twenty‐one year’s dues to become a perpetual member of Fulton Lodge when the Grand Lodge of Georgia started that program. Perpetual membership means that Fulton Lodge not only received dues from the Grand Lodge for Sheldon each year that he was not obligated to pay but his thoughtfulness will continue to support Fulton Lodge as the Grand Lodge will continue to pay an amount equal to his dues to Fulton Lodge each year in perpetuity.
Sheldon leaves a legacy of which any Mason would be proud and of which Fulton Lodge is extremely proud. Carrying on the tradition of hard work and dedication taught to him by the brethren of Fulton Lodge who came before him, Sheldon sought
to pass that same tradition on to those brethren that followed him with the same high standards upon which he received it. Sheldon accomplished that which Masonry always seeks to accomplish; he made good men better. Sheldon left Fulton Lodge, Georgia Masonry and brethren he touched better than he found them.
Well done our good and faithful brother, well done.
Editor’s Note: Thanks to W.B. Mike Kessler for this contribution.
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Fulton Fellowcraft April 2009 - Grand Master J. Edward Jennings, Jr.
From the East
Brethren, we are diligently working to increase our numbers. But, we need your help. We have many wonderful candidates and we are looking for brethren to assist them in becoming good Masons. If you can coach, do so. If you can mentor, do so. But, one of the most important things we can do is to introduce ourselves to them personally and professionally.
We do not join Freemasonry for economic reasons. We come to learn, to subdue our passions and to improve ourselves in Freemasonry. But, how many times do we grow ourselves spiritually; one or two times a day, or even once a week? We execute business transactions numerous times a day. We still have choice as to who we conduct business with. I encourage every brother to reach out in their business transactions to other brothers. Who does what? I personally have, on several occasions conducted a transaction, only to find out later a brother, sometimes in my own Lodge, does exactly the same thing!!!! How annoying is that? For me, it is about a code of conduct that we share. We must encourage others to share that code of conduct and reward those who do.
Nothing successful happens without some effort. We must conspire to succeed. Make a conscience effort to frequent Mason owned businesses or to hire Masons. We can only prosper if we band together and spend some time with one another. Get active, or lament your loss. Either way, you choose. But, the consequences of your decisions are exactly that. So, come to lodge, introduce yourself as a friend, brother, and a professional. Spend time with your brothers, and tell them what your usual vocation is and find out what their vocation is. Let the fraternity prosper and strengthen.
Adam I. Brodofsky
Worshipful Master 2009
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Fulton Fellowcraft March 2009 - Business Meeting
From the East
I am grateful to all who come for our meetings. A lot of you have worked so very hard in preparation for numerous candidates. There is still much more to do. I am asking any brother who can help coach to contact me. We must arrange times and schedules.
The brotherhood that we share is a powerful thing and I hope that you will take this opportunity to share it with our candidates and other brothers you have not seen in a while.
We are preparing a calling tree in which each brother calls five others. If you have a phone, and remember how to use it, I will be happy to provide you names and numbers so that you can call old friends or even make a new one.
The repository of Knowledge that we call our membership should be used before it is lost. Our youth and energy, combined with our age and wisdom, will cause us unparalleled successes. Talk to your brothers for time creeps swiftly upon us.
Adam I. Brodofsky
Worshipful Master 2009
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Fulton Fellowcraft February 2009 - Lodge of Instruction
From the East
We have seen a great installation on the 7th of January. My personal thanks to W.B. Ross Laver and Past Grand Master Joe Suttles. I cannot imagine a more inspirational approach to this year.
“Forward” is the creed and we must move that direction with the surefootedness of pre-determined success. There are many changes afoot however, we must exercise the changes with due diligence and respect for the customs of our Lodge.
I ask for your patience as we will need some time to work our degree team up to the excellence our candidates deserve. With so many degrees to come this year, assistance will be needed. Any brother wishing to be on a degree team will please let me know.
For a token this year, I choose a coin for its indelibility. It will be given to those who serve the lodge as “wages” for services to the brethren. I have written on one side Integrity and Justice, and on the other side Peace and Harmony. They are both sides of the same coin. Without one, there cannot exist the other. The trowel is from the Master’s degree. It reminds us that as we are all different shaped stones, Masonry is the cement that binds us and the trowel is the implement to spread that cement. Together as different stones, joined by the cement of Masonry we are stronger than just any individual stone or any lump of cement. And the eye, surrounded by light, reminds us that all our actions are visible to the architect as we travel toward the light.
Adam I. Brodofsky
To View The Complete Fellowcraft Click Here
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Fulton Fellowcraft January 2009 - Public Installation of Officers
From the East
Ecclesiastes 3:1- For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.
It is now my time to retire from the East and a fantastic year in which the Brothers of Fulton Lodge allowed me the privilege of occupying that station. As I look at the history of Fulton Lodge I wonder if what has happened this year will be remembered as have so many years of the past. I cannot think of one particular event that will set this year apart from others but all of the events of the year have, in my estimation, been highly successful.
We did hold the first GACHIP event in the City of Atlanta, helping to protect over 50 children and we have agreed to fund the building of shelter (Gazebo) at the Masonic Home in Macon. That project will be completed in 2009. We honored our Ladies and continued with traditions such as the hydration station for the July 4th Peachtree Road Race.
I am proud that we were able to live within our budget yet provided events that brought many people to those programs.
My single regret is that we did not raise any new Masons this year. However, we now have 4 Entered Apprentice and anticipate the first reading of a petition early in the year. 2009 looks like it will be a good year for the conferring of degrees.
There are many to whom I owe thanks. I will not do that here. Instead, I hope that many of you will be present at our first meeting of the New Year, January 7th. Past Grand Master, W.B. Joseph P. Suttles will be with us to install Br. Adam Brodofsky who has been elected Master for 2009.
Thank you all for the Great Year we had at Fulton Lodge #216. I have many memories to enjoy. I close with this promise; as long as the Supreme Being gives me the health and strength, I will be there for the years to come.
Thank You Ross Laver
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Ecclesiastes 3:1- For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.
It is now my time to retire from the East and a fantastic year in which the Brothers of Fulton Lodge allowed me the privilege of occupying that station. As I look at the history of Fulton Lodge I wonder if what has happened this year will be remembered as have so many years of the past. I cannot think of one particular event that will set this year apart from others but all of the events of the year have, in my estimation, been highly successful.
We did hold the first GACHIP event in the City of Atlanta, helping to protect over 50 children and we have agreed to fund the building of shelter (Gazebo) at the Masonic Home in Macon. That project will be completed in 2009. We honored our Ladies and continued with traditions such as the hydration station for the July 4th Peachtree Road Race.
I am proud that we were able to live within our budget yet provided events that brought many people to those programs.
My single regret is that we did not raise any new Masons this year. However, we now have 4 Entered Apprentice and anticipate the first reading of a petition early in the year. 2009 looks like it will be a good year for the conferring of degrees.
There are many to whom I owe thanks. I will not do that here. Instead, I hope that many of you will be present at our first meeting of the New Year, January 7th. Past Grand Master, W.B. Joseph P. Suttles will be with us to install Br. Adam Brodofsky who has been elected Master for 2009.
Thank you all for the Great Year we had at Fulton Lodge #216. I have many memories to enjoy. I close with this promise; as long as the Supreme Being gives me the health and strength, I will be there for the years to come.
Thank You Ross Laver
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